A fallen tree disrupted morning traffic and almost took two lives when it fell on a white van at Jalan Bukit Merah near Jalan Membina. STOMP received several emails from STOMPers, who were caught in the jam.
According to STOMPer Stella, she heard a loud thud before finding out that a tree has fallen near a bus stop, in front of Blk 105 at Jalan Bukit Merah Road.
She said:
"Traffic came to a halt on both directions. I informed LTA at 7.44am."
Meanwhile, STOMPer Michael was more concerned about the well-being of the van passengers.
He said:
"A giant tree just fell onto Jalan Bukit Merah, near corner of Jalan Membina. It fell on a white van. Luckily both the uncle and auntie in the van are OK.
"Because of it, traffic was blocked up all the way in both directions."
Another STOMPer also witnessed the damage the fallen tree has done.
STOMPer Ng said in his email:
"At around 7.45am, near the cross junction along Bukit Merah, a tree crushed a bypassing van when it fell.
"It damaged the road dividers and stalled traffic in both directions."
STOMPer Joy who was another witness, said:
"A tree trunk at Jalan Membina broke, blocking both roads. Vehicles are not able to drive through. This happened at about 7.45am."
STOMPer Annie who was travelling on the bus along Jalan Membina also caught sight of the huge fallen tree that held up the traffic.