STOMPer Andrew was at East Coast Park on Jun 11 when he saw a delivery uncle discarding rubbish into a canal instead of disposing of it appropriately.
He thinks that such irresponsible behaviour should be corrected by the relevant authorities.
The STOMPer writes:
"I think this should be highlighted to STOMP's readers.
"I cannot stand people like him who prefers to discard rubbish, rotting and disgusting materials into the canal which leads to the sea, rather than bag them and disposing of them appropriately.
"It's bad enough our tax dollars are being used to upkeep the cleanliness of our parks and beaches, but people like him still choose the 'easy way' to discard their rubbish.
"I hope the relevant authorities can take the necessary action to prevent and stop such bad behaviour."
It's the actions of inconsiderate and irresponsible individuals like this person that really illustrate the importance of efforts like those by International Coastal Cleanup Singapore (ICCS).
The photographic evidence is clear, along with the vehicle registration number. I really hope the authorities actually take action regarding this incident. Come on, show all the skeptics that there is still some hope for citizen journalism in Singapore.