Here's a screenshot showing who are the current leaders in votes for each category.
(Taken at 12.15 pm, 12th June 2012)

I'm not sure if the arrangement of our icons has anything to do with the actual number of votes, but it keeps changing over the course of the day.
It's heartwarming to receive words of encouragement from friends and other folks on Twitter, many of whom I actually don't know in real life, people who have gone to trouble to login and vote regularly, even without me making frequent online appeals. Not to mention the regular updates on Twitter from other Finalists in other categories, announcing who they've voted for; through them, I've managed to discover a wide variety of other blogs, and have made it a daily habit to vote for them as well.
And here's a bonus! Many of the other Finalists have created self-introductory videos to help draw attention and votes, and I've finally found the time to sit down and produce a short video clip of my own. You don't actually get to see my face or hear my voice, but I hope it's an effective introduction to Monday Morgue, and what makes it so unique.
Do vote for Monday Morgue, and thank you all once again for your support!
(Cross-posted to Monday Morgue)