Friday, December 11, 2009

Invasion of bees at Changi Airport forces change in AirAsia gate

 Invasion of bees at Changi Airport forces change in AirAsia gate
STOMPer Chad witnessed bees swarming Changi Airport today, and says the boarding gate had to be changed for passengers' safety. Chad elaborates:

"I took a video of bees swarming our beloved airport.

"It's taken today (Dec 11), at 10.15am.

"This is Terminal 1, boarding gate D35.

"An announcement was subsequently made by AirAsia staff, to move passengers to another boarding gate for flight departure to Bangkok."

 Invasion of bees at Changi Airport forces change in AirAsia gate
 Invasion of bees at Changi Airport forces change in AirAsia gate
 Invasion of bees at Changi Airport forces change in AirAsia gate
 Invasion of bees at Changi Airport forces change in AirAsia gate
 Invasion of bees at Changi Airport forces change in AirAsia gate
 Invasion of bees at Changi Airport forces change in AirAsia gate
 Invasion of bees at Changi Airport forces change in AirAsia gate
 Invasion of bees at Changi Airport forces change in AirAsia gate

Do check out the video posted on STOMP.

They can keep shooting birds to reduce the chance of birdstrike, but it seems like keeping birds away is just one problem the airport management has to deal with from time to time.