A STOMPer who said that there were dangerous plants around Bukit Batok polyclinic in an earlier email, passed by the place and said that the plants have been completely removed.
"This was thanks to the report in STOMP," said the STOMPer.
In his email today (Apr 14), the STOMPer wrote:
"I refer to your report on 2 April: Dangerous plants at polyclinic says STOMPer.
"Today when I passed the polyclinic, I was surprised that the dangerous plants were completely removed.
"In their place were some new plants with leaves that were not sharp. Thanks to STOMP for the report.
"The polyclinic authorities have seen the danger of such plants and now parents who bring their kids to the polyclinic can have peace of mind. This is good work done by the polyclinic authorities."
Earlier article:
Dangerous plants at polyclinic, says STOMPer
Related posts: Dangerous plants at polyclinic, says STOMPer (2nd April 2009)
Be careful the next time you're at Clarke Quay (12th March 2009)
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