STOMPer sharon spotted a large hornet on bus 15, which was later caught by a man with a container. She thinks the man might have released the insect on the bus in the first place.
The STOMPer said:
"Just few minutes ago, a large hornet was spotted on bus 15.
"Everyone was terrified! Those who were sitting nearby quickly stood up.
"However, a bespectacled guy in white took out a container to catch it.
"After catching it, he kept it in his bag.
"Was he the one who released the hornet?
"This is a dangerous prank!"

The insect pictured looks like a hornet indeed, possibly a greater banded hornet (Vespa tropica) based on its supposed large size. However, this accusation that the man released the hornet in the bus as a prank seems baseless and irresponsible, since it's more likely that the hornet had flown into the bus from outside, and he happened to have a container to trap the hornet.