STOMPer Ong is sad that the Api Api River, which used to be clean and clear and good for fishing, is now polluted with dirty water.
He hopes that something can be done to stop this.
Says this STOMPer:
"Last time this Api Api River near the HDB, was clean and clear and the residents could still fish.
"Now, we can't fish anymore, look at the water, it's so dirty."

People aren't supposed to be fishing there in the first place...
I'm not sure how he defines the water as 'dirty'; to be honest, Sungei Api Api looks very normal to me here. These photos certainly aren't very strong evidence for pollution. This person's case would probably be much stronger if he had taken pictures of litter and other man-made debris clogging up the river, or if he had been more descriptive of how the water conditions have supposedly changed over the years.